At A Ski Journey, we are dedicated to the skiers and snowboarders who make up this amazing community. Our family is your family.



Clifford Kasson began thinking about forming a ski community 20 plus years ago. Back then, Cliff was a ski club advisor for a local high school. As a lifelong skier, Cliff has always held an intense appreciation for the snow covered mountains and the memorable ski journeys created on those mountains. Since the day his children (Alicia, Sarah, and Julia) could walk, he brought them to the mountains nearly every weekend during the winter months. While on the chair lifts, his children would frequently drop their ski poles. Years later, Cliff decided to put his engineering background to the test after recalling countless trips up and down the lift line looking for poles. Cliff and his daughters created prototypes of the Ski Pole Companion, enjoying many ski journeys to mountains across North America testing their invention. Several improvements to their original prototype led the Ski Pole Companion to what it is today. All of the friends made along the way are now part of A Ski Journey.

“Skiing has always been a lifelong passion.” ~ Clifford Kasson